Customization Guidelines

工藝: 壹般默認爲平燙壹色金;

紅包尺寸: 長款(165mm x 89mm)(3.5" x 6.5");

※ 定制款可以根據客戶需求燙金Logo或圖文,有多種燙金顔色可供選擇,每壹個款式均有最低起訂量,可以選擇不同顔色,但每個顔色至少500pcs;

※ 額外收費:

▕  一个Logo上要求多于壹個烫金顔色)

▕  正反印制

▕  商標Logo激凸燙金工藝;


▕  下單後,請以電郵形式將商標圖樣(加燙企業名稱和商標,面積在3x8cm之內),來稿格式爲PDF或者AI文檔

▕  我們會在2個工作日內提供設計樣稿給閣下確認,設計稿件確認後15天內發貨。


※ 紙制品,不同款式紙張厚薄度不同並不屬于質量問題,請知悉


▕ If you need more, please feel free to leave a message at any time, I will continually provide full support.

※ Shipping Times
▕  8 to 20 days (From China/Hong Kong/Shanghai to US and Canada)
▕  9 to 22 days (From China/Hong Kong/Shanghai to Everywhere Else)
▕  Alaska and Hawaii surcharge: $50.00-100.00 USD  
▕  Not for APO/FPO, United States Minor Outlying Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands 
▕  International logistics will be delayed during the Chinese New Year every year, please understand
▕  Due to the personalized customization please allow up to 5-7 days for your order to be sent. This can take longer during busy periods like Christmas and Lunar New year.

※ Thank you for confirming the design proof within 3 days. If it is not confirmed in time, we will proceed to the next step of printing based on our design. Thank you:)

※ I hope our clarification has been helpful.